The third and final meeting of the Steering Committee for the Erasmus + Project Interdisciplinary Programme of Short Cycles in Public Policy Making and Analysis (PPMA), held through the Cisco Webex Meetings platform, was dedicated to recapitulating project results, instructions on final reporting, dissemination and project sustainability after its completion.
Coordinator prof. Jasna Atanasijević (UNS), on behalf of her entire team from UNS, thanked all participants in the project for their cooperation and enthusiasm to accept the difficult task. She emphasized that this project is one of only two Erasmus + projects in the field of social sciences from the same project cycle, which is proof that it is especially difficult to implement projects to improve the capacity of higher education in the field of social sciences. She also expressed her position that in this area it is perhaps most necessary to improve the quality of education in Serbia and the region due to the specific heritage. She also pointed out that she hopes that the cooperation between the partners will continue through some other initiatives and projects, which she supported by the fact that in the meantime new projects were born between the Faculty of Sciences of UNS and UPEC and that BU and KCL intend to continue to collaborate through a master’s programme based on the PPMA project.